
User permissions are granted based on user roles. 

Upon registration, examine the data submitted and verify (as best as you are able) that the user is legitimate. Malicious parties generally have user names that don't make sense, email addresses from questionable domains (e.g., Russia, Iran, and other uncommon suffixes). Be on the lookout for user names that aren't close to the email address and of user names ending in two or three capital letters.

NOTE: Most malicious parties will use email addresses.

User access levels are defined as follows:

Public - What anyone can see.

Registered -Any registered user (non-USPS member).

Member - Any registered USPS member.

Executive Committee - Any member of ABC-FLX committees or boards. 

Bridge Officer - Commander, XO, AO, SEO, Secretary, Treasurer, and any assistants to these officers.

Commander - The current squadron commander. Optional: Past commanders can be included in this category if desired.

Team - Proposed use for anyone working on special projects within the club.

Administration - Anyone involved in assisting with the administration of the web site and its content.

Admin Author - Anyone creating new content on the web site.

Admin Approver - Parties responsible for approving publication of new web site content.

Youth - Proposed for use with Youth Committee.

Youth Author - Anyone generating content for Youth activities.

Youth Approver - Parties responsible for approving publication of new youth web site content.

Student - Any current and former registered student in an ABC-FLX class.

Class - Each course gets its own access level. The name is the abbreviation for the class (MN, AMN, ON, CN, etc). This allows for read access to be controlled for each class that is offered.

Instructors - Any current squadron instructor.

Inst Class - Each class offered has its own access level. The level is named using the abbreviation for the class (MN, AMN, ON, CN, etc). This allows for read access to be controlled for each class that is offered. This access level can also be used to allow instructors to upload additional supplemental material to share with students. For some classes, such as ABC, this level will give read access to tests, answer keys, and other information that should not be made public or provided to students.

Super Users - Users that have no restrictions on the web site. This is generally reserved for one or two people who act as the webmaster and control all aspects of the site.