
If you'd like to come and visit us at one of our functions to get a first-hand look at what we're all about, that's wonderful! Just reach out to any of the club officers and we'll make sure we save a place for you at our next event. However, if you're already convinced you want to become a member, please continue reading and find out how!

Step 1

First, download the membership form (PDF, 150KB), print it out and fill it in with the required information.

Step 2

Then, reach out to Phil Cherry, our Membership Chairman. You can do this via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Phil will confirm what the current membership dues will be.

Step 3

Mail a check (made out to "America's Boating Club - Finger Lakes Chapter") and the completed membership form to our membership chairman:

Phil Cherry, Membership Chair
113 7th St.
Watkins Glen, NY 14891

Step 4

Our Membership Chair will contact you once all of the information has been processed and a membership number gets assigned to you. Once you have this number, you can enjoy all of the perks that membership brings. Welcome aboard!


NOTE: While there is a way to join the USPS / America's Boating Club national organization online, we recommend against doing so for two reasons. First, it's slightly more expensive to join that way. Second, your membership will not be automatically associated with our local chapter and you'll have to go through another half dozen additional steps to get this link established. Be lazy! Talk to our Membership Chairman and get it all done at once.