To set up a set of web pages for a class or seminar, use the following steps as a guide:

  1. Download all of the materials you will need for the course. This includes the Instructor Manual (IM), Student Manual (SM), PowerPoint presentations, videos, handouts, etc.
    1. It is recommended that you obtain a copy of the Instructor CD (or downloaded file) and create a single ZIP file of its contents for the instructor to download.
    2. Student files can be split up, but you should have at least the following:
      1. Student Manual (as a single ZIP or PDF file)
      2. All PowerPoint decks to be used in the class (as a single ZIP file)
      3. Homework questions with answer keys (as a single ZIP or PDF file)
      4. Any supplemental material.
  2. Upload the course materials using a suitable FTP client to a directory dedicated to the course. 
    1. Directory path: coursematerial/<course-version> (where course is the USPS abbreviation for the class or seminar and version is the latest revision in the format of yymm (year and month) of the latest update).
    2. File names: It is recommended you keep the file names as they are assigned by National so as to make it easier to compare against future updates.
    3. It's OK to upload all of the files for the class or seminar into a single directory, but if the number of files becomes excessive, you may insert subdirectories as needed.
  3. Log into the administrative (back-end) side of the web site.
  4. Set up a new user group for the students that will be taking the course or seminar. If the course has been taught before, it may already exist.
    1. Users > Groups > Create New
    2. Group for the students: -Student-<course_id>
    3. Group for the instructors: -Student - Instructor - Inst-<course_id>
    4. Verify that each group has the correct parent (Student and Instructor, respectively).
  5. Set up access levels corresponding to the new groups:
    1. Users > Viewing Access Levels > Create new
    2. Student-<course_id>
    3. Inst-<course_id>
  6. Update the general Instructor Materials page to include the new items:
    1. Content > Articles
    2. Instructor Downloads
    3. Follow the format already in the document.
  7. Create a category for articles that will pertain to this class.
    1. Content > Categories > Add New
    2. Category Title: Class-<course_id> or Seminar-<seminar_id> or Local-<local_id>
    3. Access Level: Student-<course_id>
  8. Create a download page for the students:
    1. Content > Articles > Add New
    2. Title: "Student Downloads - <Course Title>"
    3. Category: Class-<course_id> [or the appropriate category created in step 7]
    4. Access: Student-<course_id>
    5. Type in the article body in a format similar to existing pages.
  9. Create a menu item pointing to the article above:
    1. Menus > Student Menu > Add New
    2. Title: Course Title [keep short enough to fit in the menu without wrapping the text, if possible]
    3. Access: Student-<course_id>